Features Introduced in the 10.1 Windows Release

This section lists down the new features included in Windows Sentinel RMS v10.1. release.

Introduced Session Management REST APIs for Connected (Cloud LM) Mode

In this release, session management REST APIs are  introduced for the RMS Cloud LM deployment mode. Prior to this release, session management for RMS Cloud LM clients could be performed using the Sentinel EMS Customer Portal only. Using these APIs, vendors can provide integrated workflow for monitoring and terminating sessions.

Sentinel RMS 10.1 Release Notes




>Linux ARM

NOTE    The session management APIs are available for the Contact Administrator user only.

The REST APIs introduced are:


GET /rmslm/licenseSessions Enumerates the active license sessions on RMS Cloud LM.
POST /rmslm/licenseSessions/terminate Terminates all the active RMS Cloud LM sessions associated with a machine or user.
POST /rmslm/licenseSessions/{licenseSessionId}/terminate Terminates a single RMS Cloud LM session based on the session ID.

You can use Sentinel EMS API Reference Guide to learn more about the Session Management REST APIs.